Self-sovereignty... the Nature of YOUr Nature...
Aloha & Welcome
I believe in you

Dr. Valerie, Global Naturopathic Physician & Metaphysician: An intuitive mentor blending
ancient wisdom with the evolving world.
Fix it on the inside, fixes the outside.
Unplug from illusions~
Take them & they out & put YOU back in.
Return to your roots of truth~
Plant your seeds of vision~
Water your innovation with your ancient wisdom.
Bring sunshine through your imagination~
Fertilize with your years of experience.
Harvest your fruits~
Share with the modern world~
…the Nature of YOUr Nature.
Dr. Valerie's life and service embody the visionary spirit, advocating for self-reliance, the sanctity of nature and pursuit of deeper knowingness. She is a revered licensed naturopathic physician, metaphysician, humanitarian, human rights activist, philosopher, philanthropist, founder & volunteer president of the non-profit You Know More. As a global citizen, she serves the world with 43 years of global healthcare. She is distinguished as an international expert in mind body spirit medicine, Earth based ecological medicine, play therapy, integrative medicine, integrative functional wellness, disaster relief, author, illustrator, public speaker, television production, fashion designer, & expressive arts docere coined as craftivism. She facilitates individuals to return to the nature of their nature & reconcile their value. Naturally this effect ripples out to the care & health of local & global communities.
Three near-death experiences in the 1980's, heightened Dr. Valerie's 6 natural senses, as a gateway to expansive innovative insights & messages the present, past & future. She inspires clients & audiences to rejoice as they return to their innate nature, repurpose outdated behaviors & belief systems, revere their renewal & personal renaissance.
Healing soil~
Flourishing soul~
Your seeds of possibility nourish the world~
Grateful for YOU~
As an entrepreneur of impact and global policy influencer, Dr Valerie walks the path few dare go by expressing new, unique and sustainable solutions in the evolution of the world. With creative firm, yet flexible structures to maintain focus, she creates safe & secure experiences to assist in co-creating compassionate alignment & action into the world.
With these extraordinary professional and personal experiences in mind, Dr. Valerie activated a model for the future of sustainable medicine & living, with the art-centered movement called The Nature of Your Nature, which empowers innate entrepreneurship by empowering people to be themselves. Dr. Valerie finds her greatest joy professionally in serving families, leaders, and activists whose journeys take them where "few dare go".
"With skills are more that the sum of her deep knowledge, Dr. Valerie balances her wisdom with love and humble proficiency. Even in the highest risk, lowest resource settings on Earth, where Climate Crisis disasters leave communities in utter strife, she brings grace and healing.
-Ibu Robin Lim, CNN Hero of the Year 2011
"I have had the honor and pleasure of knowing and working with Valerie Simonsen, personally & professionally for 23 years. Dr Valerie is a true modern-day shaman who connects us with the wisdom of the ancestors to assist all of us on this divine journey called LIFE ! -Elaine Blasi, PhD Humanistic Psychology
Replace I with WE & Illness becomes WEllness
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